All at @ Pilgrims wish all of our mothers a fantastic day and hope you’re spoilt rotten!
"Happy Mother's Day to everyone:
Mums, Dads, Daughters, Sons.
We're all related to mothers and there are some special ones.
Some who take on a mothering role are not related through birth
but love as much as any mother could.
That type of love sustains our earth.
Some men take on a dual role, as "stay-at-home" Dads they excel, which gives mothers opportunities to have an outside career as well.
Adoptive parents are special, they open their home and heart, providing a child with a loving bond and a family in which they are part.
Mothering is tender, loving care, a strong desire to guide and protect, to keep their children safe from harm.
Mothers of all kinds deserve respect."
~ Jean Kay